Research assistant (m/f/d) with the perspective of a doctorate - "Accurate determination of viscosity and interfacial tension by surface light scattering for non-transparent fluids"

The Institute of Advanced Optical Technologies – Thermophysical Properties (AOT-TP) focuses on the development and application of experimental and theoretical methods for the determination of material properties of fluids in energy and process engineering. In the context of a research project in the fields of optics and material property research for process engineering (download a detailed description here) the institute AOT-TP is looking for a Research assistant (m/f/d) with the perspective of a doctorate - "Accurate determination of viscosity and interfacial tension by surface light scattering for non-transparent fluids".

Your Tasks

  • Developing the surface light scattering (SLS) method for an accurate determination of viscosity and surface or interfacial tension for non-transparent fluids (e.g., liquid metals)
  • Performing experimental investigations on selected reference fluids to evaluate the existing measurement and data evaluation strategy
  • Theoretical work including the development of new data evaluation strategies and the optimization of existing program codes
  • Adjustments to the experimental apparatus to increase the reliability of data acquisition
  • Performing experimental investigations on non-transparent fluids with unknown material properties
  • Close collaboration with the other members of the institute
  • Co-organization of exercises, seminars and practical courses as well as supervision of students in the context of theses

Your Profile

Necessary qualifications:

  • Above-average degree in the field of engineering or natural sciences
  • Enthusiasm for independent scientific work
  • Strong interests in optics and thermophysical property research
  • High level of commitment, ability to work in a team and reliability
  • Good to very good knowledge of English

Additional Information

Befristetes Forschungsvorhaben

We offer a multidisciplinary and international working environment with excellent potential for scientific and personal development.

Please send your application documents in the form of a pdf file to Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Andreas Paul Fröba


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Release date: 29.03.2022, Posteransicht